Steps to improve your Home page

Steps to improve your Home page

The home page of your website is most likely the first impression visitors will get of your business. It is important to make it a good first impression, but you also need it to work hard for you. To do this you should include several of the techniques below to help you avoid that dreaded “bounce” rate going up and missed opportunity to convert a visitor into a customer.

To SEO or not to SEO, that is the question

To SEO or not to SEO, that is the question

We are often asked here at Twenty07 about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and how much time and money should be spent on it. From experience dealing with sole owner business and smaller companies where money is always an issue I think several things need to be taken into consideration.

SEO done purely to obtain search engine rankings can lead you down the garden path. Google in particular is very sophisticated in identify the quality of a website.